Our platform connects product creators and service providers with corporate customers. We’re focused on service and facilitating connections so you can deliver the best event or product.
With Elevent, you will receive bookings right in our portal. You will have the ability to specify your availability and capacity. This means you control when clients are able to book your services.
Tell us more about you and the types of events or items you offer.
Once approved, you can build listings at not cost and we will promote them.
Customers will be able to purchase your offerings or contact you to learn more.
An average Elevent host gets their first order within the first 30 days of being on the platform.
Sales and support is the most time consuming and frustrating part. By using Elevent we offload the most time consuming parts to us so you can do more.
From our event portal to messaging directly with the customer, to invoicing, Elevent handles all the details so everyone’s life is easier.