Virtual Ghost Hunt: The Haunted Online Scavenger Hunt

Average rating: 4.67 reviews

Hosted Virtual Scavenger Hunt

25–600 guests
75 min
2 day lead time

Event short description

Join us for a poltergeist-plagued online scavenger hunt. In teams, you’ll go for a virtual walk to and within haunted places and learn the stories of their ghosts.

How it works

About this event
You’ll meet our host on Zoom, then your team will go into a breakout room and use our browser-based app to follow a trail of clues across surprising websites, in search of answers to tricky questions. We’ve taken our decades of real-world “haunted scavenger hunts” and translated them into an online quest—with new ghost-plagued places and blood-chilling tales. Along the way, your team will visit Philadelphia's creepy Eastern Penitentiary, discover the NYC home of Mark Twain, check into the Hollywood Hotel where many famous celebrities have checked out, learn about the chilling fate of Giles Corey at the Salem Witch Trials Memorial, and even sneak into the White House in search of president's ghosts. And those are just a few of the escapades and tales your team will enjoy on this online scavenger hunt. All you need is good internet connections, reliable teammates, and a bit of courage.

This host supports the following options:

Frequently asked questions

  • Can people in different places be on the same team?

  • What does my group need to prepare for this experience?

Book this event

$48 / personAverage rating: 4.6
25 people x $48 pp $1,200
Total before taxes (USD) $1,200

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